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November 3, 2017

Review: Wyborowa Wodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Wyborowa Wodka is made by Polmos Poznan at a distillery dating back to 1823.  Wyborowa translates in English to Excellent.  Wyborowa Wodka was launched in 1927.  It is made from rye grain grown in Western Poland and water sourced from a 200 meter well.  Three kilograms of rye are needed to produce one liter of vodka.  The pure rye is mashed and distilled once at 40 small individually owned agricultural distilleries.  The spirit is then distilled in a copper pot still.  After arriving at the Wyborowa Distillery the raw spirit is rectified in a three column continuous still.  The spirit is then filtered through natural cellulose plates and mesh filters.The aroma is rye, toffee, and cream with a peppery backing.  The sweet cream entry has a soft mouth feel.  The flavor builds to a copper influenced toffee peak.  It fades with mineral and salted almond flavor, and finishes warm and semidry, with spicy rye, bittersweet chocolate, and green grass taste, and a peppery sting.  Wyborowa Wodka is full flavored and quite tasty, and the crisp finish lets you know this is a Polish Distilled Rye Wodka.

Made in Poznan Poland

40% Alcohol
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Score: 90

Award: Silver Medal

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