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December 25, 2016

Review: Cielo Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Cielo Silver Tequila was introduced in 2008.  I believe the official name is El Diamante Del Cielo, Diamond of the sky, but everything, from their webpage to their Facebook is shortened to Cielo, so that’s what I will use.  Cielo is made from hand selected 100% blue agave at the same distillery that creates Kirkland and Kah Tequila.  Once the agave pinas arrive at the distillery they are steam cooked to release the nectar.  After fermenting the tequila is triple distilled and estate bottled to ensure freshness.The aroma is vanilla and earthy agave with a citrus backing.  The sweet vanilla and agave entry is joined by orange forward citrus flavor.  At its peak there is juicy tangerine and bright vanilla taste.  It fades with a peppery sting and finishes lightly bitter, warm, oily, peppery and semidry.  Cielo Silver is a flavorful tequila that is smooth enough to enjoy as a sipper.

NOM: 1472

Region: Lowlands

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Score: 90

Award: Silver Medal

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