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January 30, 2017

Review: Herencia Mexicana Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Herencia Mexicana Blanco Tequila is made with 100% blue agave grown for 3 years, and then replanted within the hacienda for 6-7 more years.  Once extracted the pinas are split in half and then slow cooked in a traditional adobe brick oven for 48 hours.  After baking, the agave hearts are left to cool for 36 hours.  The pinas are then shredded and the juice extracted and fermented for 72 hours.  After a double distillation in rustic copper stills, the tequila is rested in stainless steel tanks before bottling at 80 proof.The aroma is floral, citrus, and buttery cooked agave.  The sweet agave and citrus entry is joined by pineapple flavor.  It fades with a warm peppery sting and finishes dry with an oily mouth feel and briny lime rind taste.

NOM: 1580

Region: Highlands

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Score: 89

Award: Silver Medal

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