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November 10, 2013

Review: Adult Chocolate Milk

by Jeff Ellingson

adult chocolate milkAt the end of a long day of being a mom Tracy Reinhardt poured three glasses of chocolate milk.  Two for her kids and one with vodka for herself.  While enjoying her cocktail, Tracy updated her facebook status to “enjoying some adult chocolate milk.”  One of her friends inquiring about this drink was Nikki Halbur.  Reconnecting after 18 years the former high school class mates launched Adult Chocolate Milk.  Since then they have released three other Adult beverages.  Adult Strawberry, Limeade, and their newest S’mores.From the square shaped bottle, that both protects and showcases the chocolate milk colored product within, to the swing top bottle stopper, this design was well thought out.  I can’t tell you the last time I had a glass of chocolate milk but every time I passed a bottle of Adult Chocolate Milk in the liquor store I thought to myself, that looks good.

Adult Chocolate Milk is produced at 20 percent alcohol.  This compares to 17% for Baileys and 14.5% for Rum Chata.  The aroma is chocolate and vodka maybe even a little bubble gum.  It pours to a whole milk consistency and a pale chocolate milk color.  The initial soft creamy mouth feel has a chocolate mocha flavor followed by a strong vodka blast.  There may be a little too much vodka for the targeted market for this product.  The flavor is similar to a white Russian with a splash of chocolate milk.  Served over ice the alcohol softens but this is not the chocolate milk experience I was anticipating.

Made in Temperance Michigan

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