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June 7, 2019

Review: Molly’s Coconut Irish Cream

by Jeff Ellingson

After a 4 year absence Molly’s Coconut Irish Cream is back for a limited time.  It comes back in a new bottle with a new flavor profile.  I reviewed Molly’s Coconut almost six years ago and I awarded a Gold Medal.  I always get a little nervous when a product I really enjoy changes its flavor.  Remember New Coke?  In more recent times Butterfinger also changed its flavor.  In both cases I liked the previous version better.  Fingers crossed that’s not the case here.  The first Molly’s Coconut was introduced in 2012, also as a Limited release flavor.  The flavor was so popular it was actually produced until 2015 when it’s brand owner Terra decided to focus all of its resources on building its original Molly’s Irish Cream brand.  Terra, is the largest family owned cream liqueur producer in Ireland.  While Terra produces over a dozen private label brands of cream liqueur, Molly’s is their own flagship brand.  Due to popular demand Molly’s Coconut is back, joining the original Molly’s, an Irish cream with a more traditional, natural chocolate flavor.  The new Molly’s Coconut is made from fresh Irish dairy cream, aged Irish whiskey, fine Irish spirits and natural coconut flavors.  The fresh cream is sourced from a dairy 1 mile from their cream liqueur plant.  The fresh cream travels from cow to finished bottle of Molly’s in 48 hours.  Molly’s Coconut pours to a golden milky white color.  A couple of spins around my glass leaves a cream curtain too thick to see from side to side.  The aroma is coconut cream pie and sweet Irish whiskey.  The sweet whiskey and cream entry has a thick luxurious mouth feel.  Fresh coconut flake arrives building to a premium coconut ice cream peak.  It fades with vanilla custard with a hint of butterscotch.  The finish brings gentle warmth leaving the taste of its three main ingredients cream, coconut, and Irish whiskey.  It’s been six years since I reviewed the original Molly’s Coconut Irish Cream, and while I can’t recall the flavor well enough to compare the two I do remember disposing of the empty bottle a week after I opened it.  This new improved Molly’s Coconut may not last the weekend.

Molly’s Pina Colada

2 Oz. Molly’s Irish Coconut Cream

2 Oz. Rum

2 Oz. Fresh Pineapple Juice

Shake With Ice

Strain Into a Chilled Glass

Garnish With a Pineapple Wedge

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Made in Bailieborough County Cavan Ireland

17% Alcohol

Score: 94

Award: Double Gold Medal

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