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September 13, 2020

Review: Alaskan Hard Seltzer

by Jeff Ellingson

Alaskan Hard Seltzer was released October 2019 by the Alaskan Brewing Company.  It is currently available in two flavors, Spruce Lemon Lime, and Spruce Cherry Grapefruit.  The Alaskan Brewing Company was opened by Marcy and Geoff Larson in 1986.  They were the 67th independent brewery in the US and the first in Juneau since Prohibition.  While researching brewing in Alaska, Marcy found recipes from Douglas City Brewing Company, a brewery in Douglass Alaska from 1899-1907.  At that time Douglas was the third largest city in Alaska with about 1500 residence.  In 1970 Douglas merged to become part of Juneau.  One of the recipes Marcy found became their first beer, Alaskan Amber.  As the 22nd largest craft brewing company in the US Alaskan Brewing company crafts 8 year round beers and several Limited Edition beers.  They were the first craft brewery in the US to install and operate a carbon dioxide reclamation system.  This system prevents over 1 million pounds of CO2 being released into the atmosphere each year.  Alaskan Hard Seltzer is made from fermented dextrose, filtered carbonated water, spruce tips, and natural flavors.  Each flavor weighs in with 4.5% alcohol, 95 calories, and 2 carbs.

Alaskan Cherry Grapefruit Hard Seltzer: The aroma is cherry and fresh peeled grapefruit.  Additional time in the glass brings out a spruce backing.  The black cherry entry is joined by citrus building to a sweet cherry and tart whole grapefruit peak.  It fades with foamy spruce and citrus.  The long finish is semi-dry with lemon leaning citrus peel, sour cherry, and spruce taste.

Grade: B

Alaskan Spruce Lemon Lime Hard Seltzer: The aroma is lemon lime soda.  The sweet lemon juice and tart lime entry builds to a creamy lime peak.  It fades with foamy spruce seltzer and citrus.  The long finish is bittersweet with whole lemon, lime peel, and spruce taste.  There is more real lemon and lime juice flavor here than any Lemon Lime Seltzer I’ve tried.

Grade: B

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Made in Juneau Alaska

4.5% Alcohol

95 Calories

2 Carbs

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