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December 25, 2020

Review: Civic Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Civic Vodka is crafted from 100% North American grown Eastern Sweet Corn.  Once distilled the spirit is charcoal polished 2300 times through a meter of activated charcoal.  Civic is on of four spirits produced and bottled at Republic Restoratives Distillery in the Ivy City neighborhood of Washington DC.  The others include Borough Bourbon, Chapmans Apple Brandy, and Purpose Rye.  The distillery is women owned and crowd funded.  Founders Pia Carusone and Rachel Gardner worked in politics and policy before building the distillery.  The aroma is boiled sweet corn.  The sweet creamy entry has a soft mouth feel building to a lemon peak.  It fades with vanilla and creamed corn.  The dry finish leaves lemon peel, anise, white pepper, and roasted corn taste.  Civic is a soft and creamy vodka that finishes so soft you may accuse your bartender of a short pour on your second Civic Martini.

Civic Martini

2 Oz. Civic Vodka

.75 Oz. Dry Vermouth

.25 Oz. Absinthe

2 Dashes Orange Bitters

Shake With Ice
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Strain Into a Chilled Martini Glass

Garnish With a Lemon Twist or Olive

Made In Washington DC

40% Alcohol

Score: 92

Award: Gold Medal

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