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June 20, 2014

Review: Magners Pear Cider

by Jeff Ellingson

magners pear cider - CopyMagners Pear Cider was introduced in 2009.  It is made in Tipperary Ireland with 100% premium quality pears.  Some pear ciders start with an apple cider base.  The juice is slowly fermented before being cold filtered.  While it is imported from Ireland it is now sold in the US in 6 packs of 12 Oz bottles instead of their traditional 11.2 Oz. bottles.

It pours to a pale golden straw color with medium carbonation.  The aroma is fresh pressed pear.  The flavor is fresh pear building to a lightly tart peak before fading with a hint of pear skin and a semi dry finish.  This is great tasting cider that I could drink all night.

Made in Clonmel Tipperary Ireland
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4.5% Alcohol  180 Calories per 12 Oz serving

Grade 93  Award Gold Medal

Read more from Hard Cider, Reviews

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