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August 11, 2021

Review: Mutiny Island Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Mutiny Island Vodka is crafted by Award winning chef Todd Manley and Master Distiller Chris Richeson at Sion Farm Distillery on the island of St Croix.  Mutiny Island is distilled from breadfruit.  In 1787 William Bligh Captain of the HMS Bounty was ordered to travel to the South Pacific and collect breadfruit to plant in the Caribbean.  His mission was interrupted by a mutiny.  He did succeed on a later expedition.  Today breadfruit is a food staple in the Caribbean.  One breadfruit tree can feed a family of four for life.    The aroma leads with vanilla and wet potato peel.  Citrus and banana follow.  The vanilla, and citrus entry is joined by banana building to a green olive, orange citrus, and potato peel peak.  It fades with mineral.  The finish is warm, and semi-dry, with licorice, green banana, and citrus peel taste leaving a long peppery sting.   

Mutiny of the Pain Killer

2.5 Oz. Mutiny Island Vodka

1 Oz. Pineapple Juice

1 Oz. Orange Juice

1 Oz. Coco Lopez

Shake With Ice and Strain

Into an Ice Filled Glass

Grate Nutmeg on Top 

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Garnish With a Pineapple Wedge

Made in St Croix

40% Alcohol

Score: 89

Award: Silver Medal    

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