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July 30, 2014

Review: Redrum Rum

by Jeff Ellingson

RED rum - CopyRedrum rum was introduced in 1996 by Three D Spirits of Petaluma California.  It is one of three rums they create with rum distilled from pure Caribbean sugar cane in the Virgin Islands.  Redrum is then infused with natural mango, pineapple, coconut, and cherry flavors before bottling at 70 proof.

It pours to a pale peach color.  The fruit punch aroma has notes of cherry, pineapple, and coconut.  The flavor enters with sweet pineapple, and cherry.  Coconut joins at the midpoint before a medium mouth warming and some mango and rum flavor on the finish.  Redrum has a nice fruit flavor but it may be a little too sweet and hot to drink on the rocks.  Two of their signiture cocktails recipes follow.

Redrum Hurricane                                                                Bling-Bling

1 1/2 Oz. Redrum                                                                   1 Oz. Redrum

5 Oz. 7up                                                                                  1 Oz. Hynotiq

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Shake and serve on the rocks                                             2 Oz. 7 Up

Made with rum distilled in the Virgin Islands                Shake and serve on the rocks

35% Alcohol

Grade 89  Award Silver Medal

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