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July 21, 2015

Review: Corralejo Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Corralejo Blanco tequila - CopyCorralejo Blanco tequila is made with 100% Webber Blue agave that is steam cooked for 36 hours at 96 degrees celcius.  After the agave juice is extracted, about 7 liters of juice per agave heart, a proprietary yeast is added before 32-38 hours of fermentation in a closed stainless steel tank.  The first distillation is through a continuous distillation tower where the heads and tails are separated.  The second distillation is through a copper still brought from Spain and the heads and tails are again removed.  Demineralized water is added before bottling at 80 proof.The aroma is earthy agave, and floral citrus with mint at the back end.  The sweet agave entry is joined by vanilla building to a citrus and pineapple peak.  It fades with a peppery sting and a wave of heat that carries through to a sweet roasted agave tasting finish.  Corralejo Blanco is a nice tasting tequila that will mix well in cocktails.

NOM: 1368

Region: Guanajuato Mexico
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40% Alcohol

Grade 90  Award Silver Medal

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