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August 8, 2015

Review: Nobleza Tequila Blanco

by Jeff Ellingson

Nobleza Tequila Blanco - CopyNobleza Tequila Blanco was created by Paula Torres Symington.  She runs the first female and minority owned tequila company.  The 100% Blue Agave used to craft this tequila are grown on the Torres family farm in the rich volcanic soil of the Highland of Jalisco.  Once mature the agave is shredded and slow baked with steam in brick ovens.  The agave juice is then extracted and it ferments in copper tanks before it is double distilled in copper pot stills.The aroma has some spicy pepper, vanilla, and agave notes.  The soft vanilla and mild baked agave flavored entry builds to a citrus peak.  The flavor fades quickly with only a slight warming and a peppery tingle with a dry orange tasting finish.  Nobleza Tequila Blanco is a smooth tequila, and while the agave flavor will not blow you away, the taste will bring you back for more.

NOM: 1414

Region: Highlands
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40% Alcohol

Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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