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February 20, 2016

Review: Stiletto Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Stiletto Vodka - CopyStiletto Vodka is crafted with Russian Winter Wheat and pure artesian spring water in Kyrgyzstan.  Stiletto is distilled 6 times and filtered through 5 natural elements by master distiller Urkalieva Damra, one of only eight female master distillers, and her all female distillation team.  Some of the elements Stiletto is filtered through include charcoal, pumice, long grain rice, and platinum.The aroma is subtle cereal, grain, and citrus.  The soft wheat entry is joined by creamy lemon flavor.  There is fresh wheat taste throughout.  The gentle fade is pleasantly warm with a very mild sting, citrus zest, and anise flavor.  The finish is semi dry with mineral texture.  Stiletto is a silky smooth vodka you can afford to share with your friends.

Chocolate Martini

2 Oz. Stiletto Vodka

1 Oz. Crème de Cacao

1 Oz. Frangelico

1/2 Oz. Half and Half
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1/2 Tsp. Hershey Chocolate Syrup

Shake With Ice and Strain Into a Chilled Martini Glass

Made in Kyrgyzstan

40% Alcohol

Grade 92  Award Gold Medal

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