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April 21, 2016

Review: Riazul Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Riazul Silver Tequila - CopyRiazul Silver Tequila was introduced in 2008.  The Riazul name is a combination of two Spanish words Rio and Azul.  The English translation is River and Blue.  Riazul’s founder Inaki Orozco inherited 620 acres of land in the Highlands of Jalisco.  This land was part of 10,000 acres that had been granted to Maria Higinia Gomez who served as a high counselor to the Mexican rebel leaders during the Mexican War of Independence.  Maria gave most of this land to revolutionaries who fought for Mexican freedom but kept 620 acres.  This land was passed down from generation to generation and remained untouched until Inaki Orozco planted the first 100 agave shoots on the land.  100 soon grew to 175,000 and his initial plan of just growing agave for other tequila farmers, turned into a plan to create his own tequila brand.  Riazul Silver is double distilled through both a copper pot still and a column still.  The tequila is filtered and oxygenated before bottling.The aroma is agave, citrus, and vanilla, with a hint of pineapple.  The sweet agave and citrus entry has an oily feel building to a vanilla pineapple peak.  The fade is smooth with milk chocolate taste and just a mild sting with soothing warmth on the finish.  Riazul Silver is a World Class tequila that is both tasty and smooth.


1 Part Riazul Blanco Tequila

1 Part Orange Juice

1 Part Pom Pomegranate Juice

Shake With Ice

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Garnish With an Orange Slice

NOM: 1460

Region: Highlands

40% Alcohol

Grade 94  Award Gold Medal

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