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September 29, 2016

Review: Coa De Jima Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

coa-de-jima-silver-tequila-imageCoa De Jima Silver Tequila is named for the razor sharp hoe like tool used to chop off the leaves of the agave.  A glass embossed coa, adorns both tapered bottle sides.  Coa De Jima is made with 100% blue agave grown for seven years in rich red clay in the Los Altos Region.  Once harvested some pinas are sliced in half and slow cooked for 24-36 hours and others are steam pressure cooked in autoclaves.  The agave juice is fermented for 52 hours before it is distilled in large steel stills.The aroma is tropical fruit, vanilla custard, and agave.  The sweet tropical fruit entry has a fresh zucchini and agave backing that builds to a pineapple custard peak.  It fades oily with a warm mild peppery sting with chocolate and mint flavor, and finishes slightly dry with orange flavor and a touch of mineral.  This is a sweet and tasty tequila that is priced like a mixer, but Coa De Jima Silver is smooth enough to enjoy as a sipper.

NOM: 1416

Region: Highlands
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40% Alcohol

Award:  Gold Medal

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