Review: Peach Mist Canadian Whisky
Peach Mist Canadian Whisky is one of two flavored whisky’s currently featured on the Canadian Mist web site. They introduced four flavors in the summer of 2013 in limited markets. Two or those flavors, Vanilla and Cinnamon do not appear on their web site. It is made with their Canadian Mist Whisky and peach liqueur. Canadian Mist is a blend of grain and rye whisky with a touch of sherry and pure water from the Georgian Bay of Canada. It is triple distilled in six column copper stills and aged in used white oak barrels. Peach liqueur is blended before bottling at 70 proof in Collingwood Ontario. Read more
Review: Paddy Bee Sting
Paddy Bee Sting was introduced in 2013 along with their Devils Apple. Both flavors are sold exclusively in the US. They create an Irish Honey and Spiced Apple version for the European market. It is created with Original Paddy Irish Whiskey which is made with barley harvested from the East Coast countryside, water from the river Dungourney, malt, and a special distillers yeast. It is triple distilled in copper pot stills and then filled into oak casks to rest for up to seven years. It is then blended with malt and grain whiskey. Irish honey and sugar are then mixed with this three whiskey blend in small batches before filtering and bottling in Middleton County Cork Ireland. With an advertising campaign titled Sleep when you’re 30, there is no doubt who their target market is. Read more
Review: Vanilla Mist Canadian Whisky
Vanilla Mist Canadian whisky is one of four flavored whiskies introduced in 13 states the summer of 2013 by Brown-Foreman, the parent of Canadian Mist. The other flavors include, Peach, Cinnamon, and Maple. It is made with their Canadian Mist Whisky and vanilla liqueur. Canadian Mist is a blend of grain and rye whisky with a touch of sherry and pure water from the Georgian Bay in Canada. It is triple distilled in six column copper stills and aged in used white oak barrels. Vanilla liqueur is blended before bottling at 70 proof in Collingwood Ontario. Read more
Review: Jim Beam Kentucky Fire
Jim Beam Kentucky Fire was released Nationwide October 2014. It is made with corn, rye, barley malt, and water. It is aged for four years in oak barrels and infused with cinnamon liqueur before it is bottled at 70 proof. Jim Beam currently makes six flavored bourbons. By law they can’t call these bourbons because they are bottled at less than the required minimum 80 proof. Their Black Cherry, Spiced, and Hardcore Cider are designed to appeal to new bourbon drinkers and are sold under their Red Stag label. Their Maple, Honey, and Kentucky Fire are crafted to appeal to their current base. Read more
Review: Bird Dog Hot Cinnamon Whiskey
Bird Dog Hot Cinnamon whiskey is one of four flavored whiskeys distilled by Western Spirits under the Bird Dog label. It is one of a dozen or more cinnamon flavored whiskeys introduced in the last two years to compete with market leader Fireball Cinnamon Whisky. BD Hot Cinnamon is made with corn, malted barley, and rye, and it is aged in oak barrels. Cinnamon flavor is infused before bottling in Bowling Green Kentucky at 80 proof. Read more
Review: Jim Beam Maple Bourbon
Jim Beam Maple Bourbon was introduced September 2013. While it was the first maple flavored bourbon, it was introduced after the successful launch of Crown Royal Maple Finished Whisky. Jim Beam currently makes 6 flavored bourbons. The three under the Red Stag line, Black Cherry, Spiced, and Hardcore Cider are designed to appeal to new bourbon drinkers looking for a new alcohol to drink flavored. The other three include Maple, Honey, and Kentucky Fire, they are designed to appeal to their current base, looking for a little flavor to add to their favorite bourbon. Jim Beam Maple is made with corn, rye, barley malt and water and it is aged for four years in oak barrels and infused with natural maple flavor before bottling at 70 proof. Read more
Review: Piehole Pecan Pie Canadian Whiskey
Piehole Pecan Pie Canadian Whiskey is one of three pie flavored whiskeys just introduced by Diageo in their Piehole line of flavored whiskeys. Pecans are the only major tree nut that grows naturally in North America. Between 80-95% of all pecans harvested each year are grown in the US. While pecans may be best known as the lead ingredient in Pecan Pie and Butter Pecan Ice cream, they are becoming a popular flavor in several spirits. Besides several pecan flavored whiskeys, there are a couple of pecan flavored vodka’s, and even a pecan rum. Piehole Pecan Pie is made with Canadian whiskey blended with a pecan pie liqueur. Read more
Review: Piehole Apple Pie Canadian Whiskey
Piehole Apple Pie Canadian whiskey is one of three pie flavored whiskeys, Diageo just introduced under the Piehole label. While this is the first apple pie flavored whiskey, there are several apple flavored whiskeys already available. Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Crown Royal, and Paddy are some of the heavyweights already in this space. Apple pie is also one of the most popular flavors of moonshine, and Pearl and Oddka both make an apple pie flavored vodka. Even with the marketing might of Diageo this might be a little hard to find initially. Piehole Apple Pie is made with Canadian Whiskey and an apple pie flavored liqueur. Read more
Review: Piehole Cherry Pie Canadian Whiskey
Piehole Cherry Pie Canadian Whiskey is one of three pie flavored liqueur whiskeys, beverage giant Diageo has just released in their new Piehole line of whiskey. The other two are Apple Pie and Pecan Pie. With the tagline, Piehole, best sliced up as a shot, this product takes aim at the shot market currently lead by Fireball Cinnamon Whisky. While they claim Piehole Whiskies were inspired by their grandma’s favorite pie recipes, the women pictured on the bottle labels don’t resemble your typical grandmother. Read more
Review: Jim Beam Red Stag Hardcore Cider
Jim Beam Red Stag Hardcore Cider was introduced October 2013. It is one of three flavors in their Red Stag line of flavored bourbons, and one of six flavored bourbons currently made by Jim Beam in Frankfort Kentucky. It is made with their 4 year old Kentucky Straight Bourbon infused with natural apple cider and other natural flavors and bottled at 80 proof. Read more