Review: Stoli White Pomegranik Vodka
Stoli White Pomegranik vodka was introduced May 2010. It is the only White Pomegranate flavored vodka currently on the market today. The white pomegranate is native to Iraq, south of Baghdad. It differs from the more popular red pomegranate in that it has fewer tannins and is less tart. It is one of 17 vodka flavors Stoli crafts with wheat and pure artesian well water. It is triple distilled and filtered four times before natural white pomegranate flavor is infused. Read more
Review: Stoli Gala Applik Vodka
Stoli Gala Applik vodka was introduced in the summer of 2009. It is one of 17 vodka flavors they craft with wheat and pure artesian well water. It is triple distilled and filtered four times through quartz, sand, and finally charcoal from Russian birch. Natural Gala apple flavor is infused, before bottling at 70 proof. The Gala apple is the second best selling apple in the US. It was first breed in New Zealand in the 1930’s, and it is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Kidd’s Orange Red apple. Read more
Review: Stoli Blakberi Vodka
Stoli Blakberi vodka was introduced April 2008. This is my last post for 2014 and it seems like a good time to say goodbye to this vodka as I also say goodbye to 2014. While I’ve seen no formal announcement, Blakberi no longer appears on the Stoli website and I rarely see it on store shelves, so if you are interested I’d grab a bottle sooner rather than later. Blakberi is crafted with wheat and pure Artesian well water. It is triple distilled and filtered four times. Natural blackberry flavor is infused before bottling at 70 proof Read more
Review: Stoli Ohranj Vodka
Stoli Ohranj vodka was introduced in 2005. It is one of 17 vodka flavors currently crafted by Stoli in Latvia with wheat and pure Artesian well water. It is triple distilled with the heads and oily tails removed leaving only the heart of the vodka. It is filtered four times, first through quartz sand and finally through charcoal from Russian birch. Natural orange flavor is infused before it is bottled at 70 proof. Read more
Review: Stoli Razberi Vodka
Stoli Razberi vodka was the worlds first raspberry flavored vodka when it was introduced in 1996. It is currently Stoli’s best selling flavored vodka, and one of the worlds top selling flavored vodka’s. It is one of 17 vodka flavors currently created by Stoli in Latvia with wheat and pure Artisian well water. It is triple distilled before the heads and oily tails are removed, leaving only the heart of the vodka. Natural raspberry flavor is infused and it is filtered four times. First through quartz sand and finally through charcoal from Russian birch, before it is bottled at 70 proof. Read more
Review: Stoli Wild Cherri Vodka
Stoli Wild Cherri vodka was introduced October 2010. It is one of 17 vodka flavors currently created by Stoli in Latvia with wheat and pure Artisian well water. It is triple distilled before rejecting the heads and oily tails leaving only the heart of the vodka. It is then filtered four times, first through quartz sand and finally through charcoal from Russian birch. Natural wild cherry flavor is then added before bottling at 75 proof. The wild cherry varietals used to create Wild Cherri trace their origin to Greece and Turkey Read more
Review: Stoli Blueberi Vodka
Stoli Blueberi vodka was introduced in 2005. It was the worlds first blueberry flavored vodka and it is one of 17 vodka flavors currently created by Stoli in Latvia with wheat and pure Artesian well water. It is triple distilled and filtered four times before natural blueberry flavor is added. Stoli Blueberi is one of four Stoli flavors that account for 73% of their flavored vodka sales. The others are Vanilla, Orange, and Raspberry. Read more
Review: Stoli Vanil Vodka
Stoli Vanil vodka was introduced in 1996. It was the worlds first vanilla flavored vodka and it is one of 17 vodka flavors currently created by Stoli in Latvia with wheat and pure artisian well water. It is triple distilled and filtered four times before natural Madagascan and Indonesian vanilla bean flavor is added. Read more
Review: Stoli Cranberi Vodka
Stoli Cranberi vodka was introduced November 2005. It is one of 17 flavors created by Stoli in Latvia starting with wheat and pure artisian well water that is triple distilled and filtered four times before natural flavors are added. The cranberry is one of three fruits commercially grown that are native to North America. The others are Concord grape and blueberry. Originally used by native Americans for food, dyes and medicine, cranberries are still primarily grown in North America with Wisconsin and Massachusetts the leading suppliers. Read more
Review: Stoli Peachik Vodka
Stoli Peachik vodka is one of 17 vodka flavors created by Stoli in Latvia starting with wheat and pure artesian well water that is triple distilled and filtered four times before they add natural flavors and bottle at 35% alcohol. It was initially introduced as Stoli Persik but was later rebranded to the current Stoli Peachik. Read more