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November 10, 2013

Review: Naughty Cow

by Jeff Ellingson

Naughty Cow LiqueurWhile New Zealand is famous for having seven times more sheep than residence, they also have more dairy cows than people living there.  Some of this milk is used in producing Naughty Cow, a chocolate milk liqueur introduced in 2012 from New Zealand.Made with vodka and bottled at 20% alcohol, with a plastic wrap around label featuring a confused looking cows head with bubbles overhead and a logo that reads chocolate milk for grown ups, there is little doubt they have positioned themselves as a lower priced alternative to Adult Chocolate Milk.The aroma is chocolate brownie with a hint of vodka.  Naughty Cow pours to a rich chocolate milk color and consistency.  The initial flavor is creamy chocolate milk followed by a rush of vodka.  Served over ice, a few sips and minutes later the smooth chocolate milk entry remains while the vodka finish softens.  By the time I finish my drink I taste very little vodka.  While some may consider it a clone, I feel Naughty Cow has advanced the grownup chocolate milk market by producing a great tasting product that truely tastes like chocolate milk.

Made in New Zealand

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Grade 90  Award Silver

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