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March 21, 2016

Review: 1921 Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

1921 Blanco Tequila - Copy1921 Blanco Tequila is named to commemorate the end of the Mexican Revolution.  It is made with 100% Blue Weber estate grown agave.  After the agave is hand extracted the pinas are cut in pieces and placed in ovens where they slow cook for 72 hours.  After cooling the pinas are placed in a grinder and the extracted juice is fermented with a proprietary yeast.  The tequila is double distilled in small stainless steel pot stills with copper coils.  After hand filling the bottles they are hand dipped in wax to prevent leakage and oxidation.The aroma is earthy agave with a vanilla, mint, and citrus backing.  The agave entry is joined by vanilla and citrus flavor building to a lightly floral orange and agave peak.  The fade is smooth with cinnamon flavor finishing with a mild sting with warm semidry licorice and mint taste.  This is a tasty tequila with a smooth finish, and while I typically don’t care for licorice and mint flavor in my tequila, it works well with 1921 Blanco Tequila.

1921 El Soldado Cocktail

1 1/2 Oz. Well Chilled 1921 Blanco Tequila

1/2 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice

3/4 Oz. Vermouth

3/4 Oz. Cranberry Juice

1/8 Oz. Grapefruit Juice

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Strain Into a Double Martini Glass

Garnish With a Cherry

NOM: 1535

Region: Highlands

40% Alcohol

Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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