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April 9, 2016

Review: 901 Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

901 Silver Tequila - Copy901 Silver Tequila was introduced by Justin Timberlake May 2009.  901 partnered with Beam and their Sauza tequila line January 2014, and has moved production to their distillery.  This review is of the original 901 Silver, which is no longer in production.  My review of Sauza 901 Silver tequila will follow.  While I paid $40 dollars for this tequila, I purchased a bottle of Sauza 901 Silver tequila for 22.99.  901 is named for the area code in Memphis Tennessee, Justin’s hometown.  901 is also the time of day when evening ends, but the night is just beginning.  901 Silver is made in small batches with 100% blue agave.  After the agave is slow cooked in stainless steel ovens the juice is extracted and fermented with a proprietary yeast for 72 hours.  After being triple distilled, the tequila is filtered and then bottled. The aroma is fresh agave, vanilla, and citrus with a floral backing.  The agave entry is joined by vanilla flavor.  Citrus arrives at the midpoint.  The fade is smooth with southing warmth and a light floral taste that finishes semidry with a tingle that leaves a light minty licorice aftertaste.  901 Silver is a very tasty tequila, that is one of the smoothest tequila’s I’ve tasted.  I will miss it, unless Sauza 901 Silver tequila can replicate the same taste experience.  Stay tuned.

901 PM                                                                                901 AM

2 Oz. 901 Silver Tequila                                                   2 Oz. 901 Silver Tequila

2 Oz. Fresh Grapefruit Juice                                            4 Oz. Orange Juice

1/2 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice                                                  A Splash of Grenadine

1 Tbsp. Simple Syrup                                                        Serve in an Ice Filled Highball Glass

2 Oz. Club Soda                                                                Garnish With a Lime Wheel

Serve in an Ice Filled Highball Glass
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Garnish With a Lime Wheel

NOM: 1173

Region: Highlands

40% Alcohol

Grade 93  Award Gold Medal



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