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November 25, 2022

Review: Apres Hours

by Jeff Ellingson

Apres Hours is a line of ready to drink canned espresso martinis that come in three flavors, Classic, Vanilla, and Salted Caramel.  Launched by Alexis Smith and Nicole Craven they worked with Levecke Corporation in Mira Loma California to turn their obsession with espresso martinis into a canned cocktail.  Apres Hours translates to “after hours”.  Alexis and Nicole have always preferred espresso martinis made with tequila instead of the vodka, so it was an easy decision for them to craft their gluten free and dairy free espressos from a agave wine base.  Agave wine is produced from the fermentation of agave sap.  Natural flavors, 40mg of caffeine from Columbian coffee and caramel color are blended with the agave wine base before canning at 10% alcohol.  As a point of reference for those who have not tried an Espresso Martini a traditional one is made with 2 oz. vodka, 1 oz. coffee liqueur,  1 oz. espresso, and .5 oz. simple syrup.  Apres Hours is sold in single flavor four packs and it is available to ship to 39 US states.  Order yours at 

Apres Hours Classic:  It pours to a strong brewed ice tea color with a tan fluffy head.  The aroma leads with dark roast Columbian coffee.  The sweet espresso entry is joined by vanilla building to a caramel espresso peak.  It fades with bittersweet Columbian coffee and finishes with subtle warmth which is the only sign of an alcohol presence.

Grade: B+

Apres Hours Vanilla:  The aroma leads with vanilla and espresso.  The sweet vanilla custard and agave wine entry is joined by sweet espresso building to a creamy sweet vanilla espresso peak.  It fades with simple syrup sweetness and finishes with creamy vanilla and dark roast coffee taste.

Grade: B+

Apres Hours Salted Caramel:  It pours to a brown tea color with a foamy tan head.  The aroma leads with fresh brewed Columbian coffee.  Additional time brings out soft chewy caramel.  The Columbian coffee entry is balance by sweet agave wine.  Lightly salted caramel arrives at the midpoint.  It fades with a sweetness not quite agave or sugar followed by a long coffee, and burnt runny caramel finish.

Grade: B+

Made in Mira Loma California

10% Alcohol

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