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December 18, 2016

Review: Arrogante Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Arrogante Blanco Tequila is made with 100% Blue agave, grown for 8-12 years in the Highland region.  Once harvested the pinas are slow baked for 36 hours in stone ovens at moderate heat with continuous circulating steam that softens the fibers and gently cooks the juices.  Once cooled the pinas are shredded and only the agave juice from the first pressing is collected and fermented in stainless steel vats for 10 days, with two strains of natural yeast.  A double distillation in small copper pot stills follows.  The tequila is blended with demineralized water to reduce to 80 proof before bottling.The aroma is roasted agave, herbs, pepper, and citrus.  The sweet cooked agave is joined by vanilla flavor.  Citrus arrives building to a pineapple agave peak.  It fades with an oily mouth feel and a healthy dose of pepper.  The finish is warm and semidry with a peppery sting with creamed corn and roasted herbal agave taste.

King Cake

1 1/2 Oz. Arrogante Blanco Tequila

3 Oz. Fresh Orange Juice

1/2 Oz. Brown Sugar not Packed

2 Dashes of Ground Cinnamon

Shake with Ice Vigorously for 20 Seconds
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Strain Into an Ice Filled Glass

Garnish With a Sprinkle of Cinnamon and an Orange Wedge

NOM: 1467

Region: Highlands

Score: 88

Award: Silver Medal

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