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January 14, 2015

Review: Blue Moon First Peach Ale

by Jeff Ellingson

Blue Moon First Peach Ale - CopyBlue Moon First Peach Ale was just released.  It is available in 6 and 12 packs of bottles and in the Blue Moon Spring Sample 12 pack.  It is available January-March.  It is a classic Belgian sour brown ale blended with an American peach wheat ale.  They craft this ale with imported caramel malt and wheat, and Mittelfruh hops, with coriander, peaches, and natural peach flavors added before bottling at 5.6% alcohol.It pours to a dark amber color with a full caramel colored head.  The aroma is caramel malt with a hint of peach.  The flavor leads with a lightly sweetened malt with subtle notes of peach arriving and building to a more peach forward peak.  It fades with tart peach flavor and finishes a little bitter and a little dry.  If you are expecting a peach flavored beer you may be disappointed.  I would describe this as an ale with some peach flavor.

Brewed in Golden Colorado

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