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November 30, 2015

Review: BooYa Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

BooYa Silver Tequila - CopyBooYa Silver Tequila was introduced in 2009.  It is one of six tequilas made under the BooYa label.  The others include Reposado, Anejo, Espresso, Silver Mint, and Acai Berry.  BooYa Silver is made with 8-12 year old 100% Blue agave.  The extracted agave pina’s weigh between 40 and 70 pounds.  It takes an average of 15 pounds to make a quart of BooYa tequila.  The agave is chopped before roasting in steam ovens.  After cooking, the pina’s are torn apart to extract the juice.  After 48 hours of fermentation the tequila is double distilled.The aroma is sweet roasted agave and citrus.  The full sweet agave entry is joined by vanilla and citrus flavor.  It fades with a smoky bitter taste, and a very warm black peppery sting, followed by a salty dry herbal mineral finish.  BooYa Silver is a tequila with a split personality.  While I enjoyed the aroma and entry, the fade and finish were a little rough, making this a tequila I will save for cocktails

NOM: 1482

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40% Alcohol

Grade 88

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