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May 2, 2016

Review: Campeon Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Campeon Silver Tequila - CopyCampeon Silver Tequila recently changed their bottle design, but not their recipe.  Campeon translates in English to Champion.  Their tequila is made from 100% blue agave grown in the high altitudes of the Eastern Highlands.  After harvesting, the agave is slow cooked in traditional brick ovens for 18 hours.  After resting, the agave is steam cooked for another 12 hours.  The juice is fermented with a proprietary yeast and double distilled in small batches in a copper pot still.  Only the heart is kept with the heads and tails of each batch discarded.  Campeon is distilled to 80 proof and not blended with water.  This retains the full agave flavor.The aroma is earthy agave, tropical fruit, and cherry blossom.  The sweet juicy tropical fruit entry is joined by cherry flavor building to an earthy herb roasted agave taste.  There is a touch of vanilla that frames and sweetens the natural agave flavor.  It fades with warm citrus and a peppery sting with fresh agave and cherry flavor, and finishes oily and semi dry, with licorice flavor and little more pepper and heat.  This is a very flavorful tequila that has more natural agave flavor than most tequilas.

NOM: 1107

Region: Highlands
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40% Alcohol

Grade 92  Award Gold Medal

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