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November 4, 2016

Review: Cimarron Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

cimarron-blanco-tequila-copyCimarron Blanco Tequila is made by Enrique Fonseca, the Master Distiller of several tequila’s including Don Fulano, Asom Broso, and Antenom 1146.  Cimarron is made with 100% estate grown Weber blue agave grown for about ten years in the Highland region at an elevation of 4600 feet.  Each hand selected agave has an average brix of 24-26.  This is twice the sugar content of the average agave.  The pina’s are slow roasted for 2-3 days and then crushed.  The juice is fermented using naturally occurring yeast and then double distilled in a copper alembic still.  Cimarron Blanco is a tequila that has scored well with other reviewers.  It is priced as a budget tequila.  I picked up my bottle for 18.99, and as a bonus it is sold in 1 liter bottles.The aroma is sweet roasted agave and green olive.  The sweet agave entry has a vanilla essence, building to a pineapple leaning tropical fruit peak.  It fades semidry and briny, with a healthy dose of heat, a mild peppery sting, and an oily, citrus, mineral finish.  The sweet agave taste makes this a tasty mixing tequila.  The finish may be a little hot, peppery and briny for some to enjoy as a sipper.

NOM: 1146

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Award: Silver Medal

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