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May 21, 2015

Review: Crown Valley Blackberry Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Crown Valley Blackberry Vodka was introduced in 2013.  It is one of four vodkas crafted in small batches from grapes grown on their estate.  The other flavors include Pink Lemonade, Pumpkin Cheesecake, and their original unflavored.  The vodka is distilled in a custom stainless steel still, and cold filtered.  Blackberry juice from blackberries also grown on their estate is then blended with the vodka before bottling at 70 proof.   It pours to a grape Kool-Aid purple color.  The aroma is fresh smashed blackberry.  The fresh blackberry entry is very natural tasting and it builds to a tart blackberry peak.  It fades with a mild sting and finishes with a hint of caramel and vodka flavor with very little heat.  By your second glass you will forget you are drinking vodka, and you will start wondering why you only purchased one bottle.

Made in Ste. Genevieve Missouri

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