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November 2, 2015

Review: Don Fernando Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Don Fernando Silver Tequila - CopyDon Fernando Silver Tequila is made from agave grown on a single estate for up to 12 years.  Once harvested the agave is slow cooked for 48 hours in masonry ovens.  After the agave has cooled, they are chopped and pressed to separate the juice from the fiber.  The juice is fermented with a proprietary yeast for 72 hours and than double distilled in copper stills.  The aroma is earthy agave with fruit and olive.  The lightly earthy agave entry is joined by fruit flavor that builds to a pleasant tasting fruit peak, that I would describe as a fruit cocktail blend.  Within that fruit mix I pick up apple. building to raspberry, with an orange leaning citrus tang.  There is an herbal/earthy edge that prevents this tequila from becoming too sweet or fruit driven.  The fade is smooth with just a sprinkle of pepper before a warm semi-dry mineral finish.

NOM: 1473

Region: Highlands
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40% Alcohol

Grade 92  Award Gold Medal

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