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August 29, 2015

Review: Double Cross Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Double Cross vodka - CopyDouble Cross Vodka was introduced in 2008.  Malcolm Lloyd and John Geliner spent four years selecting a distiller and developing the vodka.  It is crafted at a family owned distillery in the Tatra Mountains in Slovakia with organic wheat and mountain spring water sourced from a 200 foot deep aquifer.  Double Cross is distilled seven times in a column still and filtered seven times through limestone, activated charcoal micro filters, and diamond dust.  Their unique rectangular crystal bottle is made in France and features a medal snap on cap.  The vodka gets its name from the double cross symbol,  brought to the area in the 12th century by Byzantine Monks.  The aroma is subtle grain and vanilla.  The soft entry has a light feel with creamy lemon and mineral flavor.  It fades with a warm mild tingle and vanilla taste.  The finish is very smooth and semi dry.  Double Cross vodka has appeared on several top ten vodka lists, and it will appear on mine too.

Double Cross Cosmo                                                                Double Crosser

2 Oz. Double Cross Vodka                                                      2 Oz. Double Cross Vodka

1 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice                                                            1 Oz. Grape Juice

1 Oz. Blackberry Brandy                                                         1/2 Oz. Grapefruit Juice

1/4 Oz. Cranberry Juice                                                          1/2 Oz. Peach Schnapps

Shake With Ice and Strain                                                      Shake With Ice and Strain
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Into a Chilled Martini Glass                                                     Into a Chilled Martini Glass

Garnish with a Lime Twist                                                      Garnish With a Lime Wedge

And a Blackberry

Made in Slovakia

40% Alcohol

Grade 94  Award Gold Medal

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