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January 28, 2016

Review: El Grado Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

El Grado Blanco Tequila - CopyEl Grado Blanco Tequila was introduced in the US July 2009.  It was created by Master Distiller Salvador Fonseca and Ana Maria Romero, the author of, The Aroma of Tequila, and the only women given the title of Maestra Tequilera.  They combine 200 year old handcrafted traditions with 21st century technology.  The 100% Blue agave is hand selected and slow cooked in stainless steel ovens.  A double distillation in copper pot stills follows.The aroma is agave with fruit and floral notes.  The sweet oily agave entry is joined by fruit flavor building to a pineapple, floral, and cherry peak.  It fades with citrus and earthy agave flavor followed by a warm peppery sting and a semidry mineral finish that leaves a cherry leaning fruit aftertaste.  I really enjoyed the taste of this tequila through the peak, but there is a little funky flavor on the earthy agave fade that distracts from the total sipping experience.  Overall El Grado Blanco Tequila is a tasty tequila that will mix well in cocktails.

NOM: 1526

Region: Highlands
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40% Alcohol

Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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