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July 4, 2016

Review: Exotico Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Exotico Blanco TequilaExotico Blanco Tequila is made from 100% Blue Agave grown for 7-15 years in the Highlands of Jalisco.  Once extracted the agave hearts are steam cooked for 16 hours in autoclave ovens.  The agave is then shredded and the juice is fermented with a proprietary yeast made from a Gonzalez family recipe.  The tequila is double distilled in traditional pot stills.The aroma is sweet agave with floral notes and an earthy backing.  The sweet agave entry is joined by floral flavor that builds to a citrus peak.  It fades with earthy agave and artichoke flavor with an oily texture before finishing semidry with a warm mild peppery sting that leaves a minty aftertaste.  Exotico Blanco tequila is a bargain priced tequila that has natural agave flavor and a smooth mineral finish.  Priced around $15 for a 750ml bottle, why would anyone purchase a Mixto tequila?  Serve Exotico Blanco chilled in a Riedel tequila glass, on the rocks, or mixed in one of the tasty cocktails featured on their website.

Cinco Exotico

1 1/2 Oz. Exotico Blanco Tequila

2 Oz. Pineapple Juice

2 Oz. Cranberry Juice

Shake With Ice and Strain Into

A Sugar Rimed Ice Filled Tall Glass

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And a Splash of Lemon-Lime Soda

Stir and Garnish With a Lime Wedge

NOM: 1143

Region: Highlands

40% Alcohol

Award Silver Medal

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