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June 21, 2015

Review: Hotel California Blanco Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Hotel California Blanco Tequila - CopyHotel California Blanco Tequila was introduced in the US in 2010.  No, this tequila was not named after the Eagles hit song, but rather a hotel in Todos Santos on the Baja Peninsula of Mexico.  This hotel was built in 1947 by Antonio Wong a Chinese immigrant.  After years of neglect a Canadian couple John and Debbie Stewart bought the Hotel California and renovated it into an 11 suite Boutique Inn.  The tequila is crafted in small batches with 8-10 year old Organic Weber Blue agaves.  A strain of yeast straight from the agave plant is used in the fermentation process.  The tequila is then double distilled.  First in a traditional method and then in a cold filtration process where the temperature is reduced to -6C to remove all organic impurities.The aroma is earthy roasted agave, citrus, and vanilla.  The sweet agave entry is joined by vanilla building to a sweet fruit peak with raisin and chocolate notes.  It fades with a sprinkle of pepper and very little heat.  You may purchase this tequila just for the bottle, but you will repurchase it because of the taste.

Heavenly Hotel

2 Oz. Hotel California Blanco Tequila

2 Oz. Fresh Orange Juice

A squeeze of a Lime Wedge

Shake with Ice and Serve on the Rocks
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Garnish With a Lime Wedge

NOM: 1529

Region: Highlands

40% Alcohol

Grade 93  Award Gold Medal

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