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December 20, 2015

Review: Jose Cuervo Platino Reserva De La Familia

by Jeff Ellingson

Jose Cuervo Platino Reserva De la Familia - CopyJose Cuervo Platino Reserva De La Familia is not your fathers tequila.  For years Cuervo Gold was often referred to as the good stuff.  That was before 100% agave tequila was introduced in the US market.  Platino De La Familia, as the name would suggest, was once only offered to close family and friends.  It is handcrafted using the most flavorful 7-12 year old pina’s grown on the family estate, at the oldest active distillery in Latin America.  A unique process they call Esencia de Agave, a meticulous method that brings out the full character of the agave is used to craft this tequila.  Each bottle is numbered, dated, and sealed in wax.  All by hand.      The aroma is full on agave and vanilla.  Two of my favorite scents.  The sweet agave entry is joined by vanilla.  Apple flavor follows, and joins the agave and vanilla for a very tasty peak.  The warm and silky finish has a sprinkle of pepper.  Jose Cuervo Platino Reserva De La Familia is a tequila that will not be available for long.  I still see it on liquor store shelves, but it does not appear on the Cuervo web site.  Maybe they decided to keep it to themselves again.  I would recommend purchasing a couple extra bottles, to share with your family and friends.  You will not be disappointed.

NOM: 1122

Region: Lowlands
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40% Alcohol

Grade 95  Award Platinum

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