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January 4, 2016

Review: Karma Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Karma Silver Tequila - CopyKarma Silver Tequila was introduced in 2009.  It is made with 100% Blue agave at a family owned and operated distillery using traditional methods that have been passed down for over 70 years.  Once the agave pina’s have been hand selected they are slow cooked in special brick ovens.  The extracted agave juice is fermented using natural ingredients and then small batch double distilled.The aroma is earthy agave, and artichoke with a citrus backing.  The oily and earthy agave entry is joined by butterscotch flavor.  Citrus arrives at the midpoint before fading with a warm peppery sting with agave, licorice and mint on the semidry finish.  Karma is smooth enough to drink chilled or on the rocks and the unique bottle design will look good on the back of your bar.

NOM: 1107

Region: Highlands
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40% Alcohol

Grade 90  Award Silver Medal

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