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July 29, 2014

Review: Kru 82 Pistachio Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

kru 82 pistachio - CopyKru 82 Pistachio vodka is the newest of five vodka flavors Western Spirits has introduced since it launched the Original Kru 82 vodka in 2010.  With a Hazelnut flavored vodka, Crater Lakes Hazelnut Expresso, and two pecan flavored vodka’s, Pinnacle’s Pecan Pie, and Cathead’s Pecan already on the market, it was only a matter of time before somone introduced a pistachio flavor.  The vodka starts with French Winter wheat and extra pure spring water.  It is distilled 5 times in France before natural flavors are added in Bowling Green Kentucky where it is also bottled.

The aroma is fresh salted pistachio.  The feel in my mouth is slightly syrupy.  The flavor is a sweet blend of pistachio and simple syrup with a hint of spice cake.  It fades with a medium mouth warming, followed by a full fresh pistachio flavored finish.  While I prefer the creamy cocktail, I’ve also included a sweet option.

White Pistachio Russian                                                                                 ET

1 Oz. Kru 82 Pistachio vodka                                                                        2 Oz. Kru 82 Pistachio vodka

1 Oz. Kahlua                                                                                                     1/2 Oz. Midori

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Shake and serve on the rocks                                                                      1/2 Oz. Lemon juice

Made in Bowling Green Kentucky with vodka made in France

36 % Alcohol

Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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