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November 24, 2013

Review: Mollys Coconut Irish Cream Liqueur

by Jeff Ellingson

While Mollys Coconut Irish Cream is not the first Irish cream liqueur to include coconut as part of it’s flavor profile, it is the first to feature coconut.  Made in Bailieboro Ireland and introduced in 2012, Coconut is the third flavor Terra’s produces under the Molly’s brand.  In the bottle the aroma is a mix of fresh coconut and Hawaiian Tropic.Molly’s Coconut pours to a medium consistency and white color with a slight yellow hue opening up to a coconut whiskey scent with a hint of pineapple.  In my mouth the fresh coconut taste feels creamy but not thick.  As I swallow I only feel a slight warming from the whiskey.  The flavor is premium coconut ice cream with a splash of fresh pineapple before the sweet smooth Irish whiskey completes the experience.  Add this one to your bucket list.

Made in Bailieboro Ireland

Tasted 10-13    Freshness Date
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17% Alcohol

Grade 94  Award  Gold Medal

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