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September 18, 2018

Review: Our/Los Angeles Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Our/Vodka is a global family of vodkas made in micro distilleries in city centers around the world.  Our/Vodka was started by six entrepreneurs in Stockholm Sweden in 2011.  Our/Los Angeles Vodka is the sixth release in the series.  An electrically heated copper still with a filling capacity of 15.8 gallons is used to distill a raw wheat distillate sourced from Ahus Sweden.  This distillate is contant across all of the sister cities.  Each micro distillery then adds their own locally sourced ingredients and unique distilling process in crafting their own personal vodka.  Our/Los Angeles Vodka starts with demineralized and deionized Los Angeles city water to achieve a pure starting place for the process.  The water, high wine distillate from the alembic and rectified spirit which is sourced from Idaho wheat and fermented with a non GMO strain of yeast that is traditionally used in wine making, are blended in a stainless steel agitating tank that has a maximum filling capacity of 132 gallons to achieve the final product.  Once blended the bottles are rinsed and filled in a 375 ml. bottle similar in shape to a bottle of Red Stripe beer, then capped with a crown cap on the bottling machine.    

The aroma is soft wheat and vanilla with a floral and raspberry backing.  The sweet fresh baked pastry entry has a soft mouth feel.  Vanilla and caramel arrive and are joined by dark berry flavor starting with blackberry and building to blueberry.  The mineral fade is creamy with a touch of citrus.  The finish is dry and crisp with a sprinkle of pepper.  Our/Los Angeles Vodka is a very tasty well crafted spirit, most straight vodka drinker will enjoy.

Black Dahlia

2 Oz. Our/Los Angeles Vodka

.75 Oz. Simple Syrup

.5 Oz. Lemon Juice

4 Blackberries

Dash of Cinnamon

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Muddle and add Our/Los Angeles Vodka, Lemon Juice, and Ice

Shake and Strain Into an Ice Filled Rocks Glass

Garnish With a Blackberry, Lemon Wheel and Cinnamon Stick

Made in Los Angeles

40% Alcohol

Score: 91

Award: Gold Medal

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