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December 2, 2015

Review: Ozone Sweet Melon Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Ozone Sweet Melon - CopyOzone Sweet Melon vodka was introduced July 2006.  It is one of five flavored vodkas that include lime, blood orange, white peach, and hemp that are made in Kaunas Lithuania at the AB Stumbras distillery.  Ozone vodka is made from whole grains and crystal clear water which is infused with oxygen and filtered through softening filters.  The vodka is distilled five times and then purified through a silver and platinum filtration.  Melon flavor is added before bottling at 76 proof.The aroma is fresh cut cantaloupe melon.  The cantaloupe and bubblegum entry is sweet with a vodka undertone, building to a juicy melon and citrus peak.  It fades with a peppery sting and the dry quick finish leaves a burn and the taste is a little bitter.  Because of it’s full flavor, and less than smooth finish, Ozone Sweet Melon vodka will be best served in a cocktail.

Made in Kaunas Lithuania

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Grade 88

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