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May 11, 2015

Review: Peligroso Tequila Silver

by Jeff Ellingson

Peligroso tequila silver - CopyPeligroso Tequila Silver was introduced by two avid surfers Keith Ross and Bruce Beach.  In 2014 Peligroso was acquired by Diageo.  It is made with 100% Weber Blue Agave.  The agave hearts are steamed in brick ovens and the tequila is double distilled in copper and stainless stills.  Peligroso is Spanish for dangerous.  In the right, or wrong hands, isn’t all tequila a little dangerous.  It is bottled at 84 proof with a glass embossed rattle snake on the bottle.The aroma is agave and citrus.  The vanilla agave entry is joined by citrus, building to a lime peak.  It fades with a wave of heat that lasts through the citrus flavored finish.  While there is no burn there is a peppery sting.

Tropical Storm

1 Oz. Peligroso Tequila Silver

1/2 Oz. Peligroso Tequila Cinnamon

1/2 Oz. Agave Nectar

1 Oz. Fresh Grapefruit Juice

1/2 Oz. Lime Juice
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Shake with Ice and Serve on the Rocks

Garnish with a Lime

NOM: 1107

Region: Highlands

42% Alcohol

Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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