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April 2, 2017

Review: Phoenix Ale Watermelon Ale

by Jeff Ellingson

Phoenix Ale Watermelon Ale is one of six beers crafted at the Phoenix Ale Brewery.  George Hancock and Greg Fretz opened the brewery in an old empty warehouse just north of Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix Arizona June 2011.  Phoenix Ale Watermelon Ale, is an unfiltered wheat ale infused with watermelon flavors added during conditioning in order to give a refreshing watermelon finish.  It is sold in 6 packs of cans and bottles, and is also available on draft.It pours to a cloudy golden copper color with a thick tan head.  The aroma is watermelon sorbet with a wheat ale backing.  The sweet ale entry has subtle watermelon flavor that builds in intensity to a whole fruit watermelon peak.  It fades with malty wheat ale flavor and finishes with watermelon Jell-O and bitter hops taste.  Phoenix Ale Watermelon Ale is as the name suggests an ale first, with secondary watermelon notes.

Made in Phoenix Arizona

4.8% ABV

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Score: 89

Award: Silver Medal

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