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June 27, 2015

Review: Pura Vida Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

Pura Vida Silver Tequila - CopyPura Vida Silver Tequila was launched in 2011.  It is crafted with 100% blue agave, estate grown by the Vivanco family who have grown agave since 1923.  Stewart Skloss worked with this family in developing the tequila.  ZZ Top guitarist Billy Gibbons soon joined the team.  Pura Vida is triple distilled with pure water that has undergone a five stage water purification process before it is blended with the tequila.  It is hand bottled at 80 proof.  Pura Vida is currently part of an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign to raise funds to build their own distillery on 7 acres of land near Lake Chapala.The aroma is roasted agave with vanilla and a hint of mint.  The earthy agave entry has an oily feel, and is joined by vanilla flavor building to a lime citrus peak.  It fades with a crisp peppery sting followed by a flash of heat and dry roasted agave taste with a salty finish.  Pura Vida Silver tequila has a flavor profile that will work well in margaritas.

NOM: 1414

Region: Highlands
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40% Alcohol

Grade 90  Award Silver

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