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April 4, 2014

Review: Smith and Forge Hard Cider

by Jeff Ellingson

Smith forge hard cider - CopySmith and Forge Hard Cider was recently launched by Miller Coors.  The name is a combination of Blacksmith and Forging.  It is available in 12 and 16 ounce cans and is made in Memphis Tennessee by Uncharted Cider Co.  They are targeting men who have avoided cider because some have considered it a girly drink.  The black can with the tag line Made Strong and the 6% alcohol its crafted at, are designed to attract their target market, men.The aroma is a soft apple.  It pours to an amber color with medium carbonation.  The flavor starts out tasting like a carbonated apple juice.  It builds to a tart peak, before fading with some malt liquor notes and a dry mildly bitter finish.  While 6% is on the high side of the mass marketed ciders, it is far from the strongest cider.  I don’t pick up any strong alcohol flavor, but it does have a slight beer aura to it which may appeal to some men.

Made in Memphis Tennessee

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Grade 89 Award Silver Medal

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