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February 2, 2015

Review: Stoli Gala Applik Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

stoli gala applik - CopyStoli Gala Applik vodka was introduced in the summer of 2009.  It is one of 17 vodka flavors they craft with wheat and pure artesian well water.  It is triple distilled and filtered four times through quartz, sand, and finally charcoal from Russian birch.  Natural Gala apple flavor is infused, before bottling at 70 proof.  The Gala apple is the second best selling apple in the US.  It was first breed in New Zealand in the 1930’s, and it is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Kidd’s Orange Red apple.The aroma is a very natural fresh smashed gala apple.  In my mouth the feel is soft and creamy.  The flavor enters with sweet apple and builds to a Bartlett pear enhanced apple peak.  There is a mild mouth warming with a soft mineral water fade, finishing with Stoli’s trademark vodka flavor.  Some flavored vodka’s excel because the flavor pops, and there is an absence of vodka taste.  Stoli Gala Applik is a flavored vodka that allows their vodka to complete the taste experience.

Stoli Gala Applik Sangria

2 Oz. Stoli Gala Applik

3 Oz. White Wine

2 Oz. White Cranberry Juice

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Garnish with sliced citrus, apples, and strawberries

Made in Latvia

35% Alcohol

Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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