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September 7, 2014

Review: Stoli Wild Cherri Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

stoli wild cherri - CopyStoli Wild Cherri vodka was introduced October 2010.  It is one of 17 vodka flavors currently created by Stoli in Latvia with wheat and pure Artisian well water.  It is triple distilled before rejecting the heads and oily tails leaving only the heart of the vodka.  It is then filtered four times, first through quartz sand and finally through charcoal from Russian birch.  Natural wild cherry flavor is then added before bottling at 75 proof.  The wild cherry varietals used to create Wild Cherri trace their origin to Greece and Turkey The aroma is equal parts cherry and forest vegetation.  The flavor enters as cherry with some herbal and pepper flavor building to a cherry peak with a hint of vanilla before fading with a medium mouth warming and a peppery dry finish.  While I like the cherry flavor and the vodka has a creaminess to it, the secondary flavor is a little too wild to earn a higher score.

Wild Cherri Lime Ricky

2 Oz. Stoli Wild Cherri

1/2 Oz. Fresh Lime juice

4 Oz. Sprite

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Serve on the rocks and garnish with a lime wheel and cherry

Made in Latvia

37.5% Alcohol

Grade 88

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