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June 9, 2015

Review: Svedka Citron Vodka 75 Proof

by Jeff Ellingson

Svedka Citron Original Bottle - CopySvedka Citron vodka was introduced in 2005.  At the time it was bottled at 75 proof.  It is currently bottled at 70 proof.  As my regular readers know I built a collection of over 600 spirits before I launched Best Tasting Spirits.  My goal was to post a new review every day for at least the first two years.  Because I waited I now have a bottle of the old and new Svedka Citron.  After tasting both there appears to be more then just a difference in alcohol content, so I will review each of them.  This review is for the 75 proof version.  Four pounds of Swedish winter wheat is needed to craft each 750ml bottle.  A continuous distillation process is used prior to the vodka is run through high performance purification columns five separate times to remove impurities.  Ice cold water from Swedish springs is then blended with the vodka before natural citrus flavor is infused.

The aroma is a mix of lemon, and lime with a hint of cream and alcohol.  The sweet lemon flavored entry is joined by lime building to a lemon lime sherbet peak.  It fades with a peppery sting, and vodka flavor before a long lemon zest finish.  Svedka Citron provides enough lemon and lime taste to make a good cocktail.

Citron Silk Kimono

2 Oz. Svedka Citron

1/2 Oz. Fresh Pineapple Juice

1/2 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice

1/2 Oz. Midori

A Splash of Simple Syrup
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Blend all Ingredients

Add Crushed Ice and Blend Again

Serve in a Chilled Martini Glass

Garnish with a Martini Glass

Made in Ahus Sweden

35% Alcohol

Grade 90  Award Silver Medal

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