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January 12, 2014

Review: Three Olives Dude Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Dude Vodka - CopyThree Olives Dude Vodka is 1 of 25 vodka flavors now available from Three Olives.  With 3 different Root Beer flavored and 2 different Cola flavored vodka’s currently being produced, is anyone surprised there is also a Mountain Dew flavored vodka?  It is distilled in England with English wheat and water from Lake Vyrnmy in Wales.  It is quadruple distilled and triple filtered through charcoal.  Natural flavors and the same unnatural yellow green fluorescent color as the soft drink that inspired the flavor are added in Lawrenceburg Indiana before bottling at 35% alcohol.The aroma is lemon lime cough medicine.  The flavor starts out tasting like a lemon menthol cough drop and is followed by a bitter dry lime cough syrup finish.  The vodka feel is a little rough, and while an ice cold Mountain Dew is very refreshing on a hot day, I struggle to think of a recipe I’d be willing to try mixing Dude with.

Dude-O-Politan                                     Surf’s Up

3 Oz. Three-O Dude                             1 Oz. Three-O Dude

1/2 Oz Triple Sec                                  1 Oz. Kraken Dark Spiced rum

1 Oz. Cranberry juice                           1 Oz. 7 UP

Shake with ice                                       Serve on the rocks
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Serve in a martini glass                       Garnish with a lime

Garnish with a lime

Made in Lawrenceburg Indiana with vodka imported from England

35% Alcohol

Grade 84

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