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June 23, 2014

Review: Tru Organic Vanilla Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

tru vanilla vodka - CopyTru Organic Vanilla vodka was introduced March 2008.  It is one of four vodka’s created at the Greenbar Craft Distillery in Monrovia California.  The company was formed by the husband and wife team of Melkon Khosrovian and Litty Mathew in 2004 and was originally named Modern Spirits.  Their first products included several artison flavored vodkas.  Some of those flavors included Celery-Peppercorn, Chocolate-Orange, Grapefruit-Honey, and Black Truffle.  While those flavors are no longer available they have expanded their line to include gin, tequila, rum, whiskey, and several liqueurs and bitters.  Their Organic Vanilla vodka is created with pure water and 100% organic American wheat.  23 square feet of land is needed to grow enough wheat for 1 bottle of their vodka.  It is distilled once through a state of the art column still and then charcoal filtered and combined with vapor distilled water.  5000 whole bourbon vanilla beans are then hand sliced and macerated 3-4 weeks for each 1000 gallon batch before bottling at 35% alcohol in a bottle that uses 25% less glass.

It pours to a pale straw color, the natural result of macerating 5000 whole bourbon vanilla beans.  The aroma is a subtle pure vanilla.  The flavor enters as a dry, soft vanilla and builds to a full natural vanilla flavored peak without the added sugar as it warms in my mouth.  The finish is very smooth with the only sign of vodka a mild mouth warming after I have swallowed and a hint of vodka flavor.  Those looking for a sweet creamy vanilla vodka may be disapointed drinking Tru Organic Vanilla on the rocks, but the natural vanilla flavor mixed well without competing with sweet ingredients in a cocktail.

Tru Peachy                                                                                        Orange Jewel

3 Oz. Tru Organic Vanilla Vodka                                                  1 Oz. Tru Organic Vanilla Vodka

1/4 Ripe Peach                                                                                  1 Oz. Orange Liqueur

1/4 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice                                                                1 Oz. Orange Juice

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Muddle shake and serve on the rocks.  Top with soda

If needed substitute Peach Puree for the ripe peach

Made in Monrovia California

35% Alcohol

Grade 93  Award Gold Medal

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