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February 8, 2016

Review: VooDoo Tiki Platinum Silver Tequila

by Jeff Ellingson

VooDoo Tiki Platinum Silver Tequila Image - CopyVooDoo Tiki Platinum Silver Tequila was introduced in 2006.  It is one of seven tequila’s they currently craft at their distillery in Capilla de Guadalupe.  The others include Silver, Anejo, Extra Anejo, and three flavor infused tequilas, Desert-Rose, Blue Raspberry-Kiwi, and Peach-Lime.  Each is made with 100% Blue Agave that has grown for 10-12 years before harvesting.  The agave is then steam cooked for 24-48 hours to preserve the agave flavor and prevent carmelization.  The agave is then pressed to release the juice, and after fermenting, the tequila is distilled twice.  Each bottle is hand blown with a glass voodoo tiki inside.  The bottle is glass etched, wax dipped, signed, numbered and scribed with 1 of 100 magic words.  Mine was wealth.  Maybe I received Donald Trumps bottle.The aroma leads with fresh agave, and herbs with notes of vanilla and fruit.  The sweet agave entry is joined by vanilla and herbs building to a creamy fruit peak.  It fades with a mild peppery sting and citrus flavor, before a smooth pear with lime-orange citrus flavor and a hint of chocolate taste on the finish.  This is a very well crafted tequila that some may purchase just for the bottle.  Once you have tasted how good this tequila is, you will purchase it again.

Blood Orange Margarita

1 1/2 Oz. VooDoo Tike Platinum Silver Tequila

1/2 Oz. Light Agave Nectar

1 Oz. Blood Orange Juice

1/2 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice

Shake With Ice and Strain Into a Chilled Margarita Glass
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Garnish With an Orange twist

NOM: 1068

Region: Highlands

40% Alcohol

Grade 92  Award Gold Medal


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