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November 17, 2014

Review: Whalers Pineapple Paradise Rum

by Jeff Ellingson

Whalers pineapple paradise rum - CopyWhalers Pineapple Paradise rum is one of eight flavors Whalers creates with rum made according to an old Hawaiian recipe.  Whalers is one of five rum brands owned by their parent company Heavan Hill in Bardstown Kentucky.  It is triple distilled before natural pineapple flavor is added.The aroma is pineapple, rum, and molasses.  The soft canned pineapple juice entry builds to a tangy pineapple rum peak.  It fades with a mild mouth warming with molasses and white rum flavor.  The finish is quick with a mild burn on my throat as I swallow, leaving me with more alcohol and molasses flavor than pineapple.

Bonsai Colada                                                                     Riki Tiki

3 Oz. Whalers Pineapple Paradise                                 2 Oz. Whalers Pineapple

1 Oz. Orange vodka                                                           1 Oz. Triple Sec

1 Oz. Coconut Cream                                                        3 Oz. Sour Mix

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Garnish with a pineapple                                                Tope with Club Soda

Made In Bardstown Kentucky

24% Alcohol

Grade 88

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