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June 20, 2016

Review: Wheatley Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Wheatley Vodka - CopyWheatley Vodka was introduced in 2014.  It is one of four vodka brands produced at the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort Kentucky.  The others include Rain, Platinum, and Clix.  Wheatley is named for Master Distiller Harlen Wheatley.  He starts with a wheat recipe that is cooked, fermented, and distilled seven times on a one of a kind micro still.  It is then blended with a recipe made from other grains and then distilled an additional three times in their pot still.  The vodka is triple filtered and bottled at 82 proof.The aroma is creamy wheat.  The sweet wheat entry has vanilla flavor and a creamy feel.  Marshmallow arrives at the midpoint before fading with natural wheat flavor.  It finishes with a warm mild sting with mineral and licorice taste.  Harlen Wheatley has crafted a tasty vodka that is certainly smooth enough to serve on the rocks.

Made in Frankfort Kentucky

41% Alcohol
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